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Troubleshooting Cases

Debugging process for some frequently encountered problems, you can search for your issue using error keywords. Also, we recommend you to have a firm grasp on Basic principles for troubleshooting.

CSI Driver installation issue

If JuiceFS CSI Driver isn't installed, or not properly configured, then following error will occur: attacher.MountDevice failed to create newCsiDriverClient: driver name not found in the list of registered CSI drivers

Above error message shows that the CSI Driver named isn't found. Please check if you used mount pod mode or sidecar mode.

If you used mount pod mode, follow these steps to troubleshoot:

  • Run kubectl get and check if actually missing, if that is indeed the case, CSI Driver isn't installed at all, head to Installation.

  • Check if the rootdir of kubelet is the same as the one specified in the CSI Driver DaemonSet, if they are different, the CSI Driver won't be registered successfully. Please reconfigure it or reinstall JuiceFS CSI Node, For more details, see Installation.

    # Check kubelet rootdir
    ps -ef | grep kubelet | grep root-dir
    # check kubelet rootdir in CSI Node
    kubectl -n kube-system get ds juicefs-csi-node -oyaml | grep
  • If already exists in the above csidrivers list, that means CSI Driver is installed, the problem is with CSI Node, check its status:

    • Before troubleshooting, navigate to check CSI Node to see a list of helpful commands;
    • A CSI Node Pod is expected on the node where the application Pod is running, if scheduling strategy has been configured for the CSI Node DaemonSet, or the node itself is tainted, CSI Node may be missing on some worker nodes, causing the "driver not found" issue;
    • If CSI Node is actually running, look for error in its logs:
    # juicefs-plugin container handls actual CSI Driver work, if it cannot access Kubernetes API, Mount Pod cannot be created
    kubectl logs -n kube-system juicefs-csi-node-xxx juicefs-plugin --tail 100

    # node-driver-registrar container is in charge of registering csidriver, if there's been an error, it'll show in logs
    kubectl logs -n kube-system juicefs-csi-node-xxx node-driver-registrar --tail 100

If you used sidecar mode, check if the namespace which application Pod running has label:

# Change to the namespace where the application Pod is located
kubectl get ns <namespace> --show-labels

CSI Node Pod failure

If CSI Node Pod is not properly running, and the socket file used to communicate with kubelet is gone, you'll observe the following error in application Pod events:

/var/lib/kubelet/csi-plugins/ connect: no such file or directory

Check CSI Node to debug and troubleshoot. A commonly encountered problem is kubelet being started without authentication webhook, which results in error when getting Pod list:

kubelet_client.go:99] GetNodeRunningPods err: Unauthorized
reconciler.go:70] doReconcile GetNodeRunningPods: invalid character 'U' looking for beginning of value

Read our docs on enabling kubelet authentication to fix this.

Mount Pod failure

The JuiceFS client operates within the Mount Pod, and errors can arise from various causes. This section covers some of the most common issues.

Mount Pod stuck at Pending state, causing application Pod to be stuck as well at ContainerCreating state

When this happens, Check Mount Pod events to debug. Note that Pending state usually indicates problem with resource allocation.

In addition, when kubelet enables the preemption, the Mount Pod may preempt application resources after startup, resulting in repeated creation and destruction of both the Mount Pod and the application Pod, with the Mount Pod event saying:

Preempted in order to admit critical Pod

Default resource requests for Mount Pod is 1 CPU, 1GiB memory, Mount Pod will refuse to start or preempt application when allocatable resources is low, consider adjusting resources for Mount Pod, or upgrade the worker node to work with more resources.

Insufficient cluster IPs may also cause the Mount Pod to remain in a Pending state. By default, the Mount Pod starts with hostNetwork: false, which may consume a large amount of cluster IP resources. If the cluster IP resources are insufficient, this may prevent the Mount Pod from starting successfully. Please contact your cloud service provider to increase the number of IPs for your Kubernetes cluster, or start with hostNetwork: true. For details, see Customize Mount Pod and sidecar container.

After Mount Pod is restarted or recreated, application Pods cannot access JuiceFS

If Mount Pod crashes and restarts, or manually deleted and recreated, accessing JuiceFS (e.g. running df) inside the application Pod will result in this error, indicating that the mount point is gone:

Transport endpoint is not connected

df: /jfs: Socket not connected

In this case, you'll need to enable automatic mount point recovery, so that mount point is propagated to the application Pod, as long as the Mount Pod can continue to run after failure, application will be able to use JuiceFS inside container.

Mount Pod exits normally (exit code 0), causing application Pod to be stuck at ContainerCreateError state

Mount Pod should always be up and running, if it exits and becomes Completed state, even if the exit code is 0, PV will not work correctly. Since mount point doesn't exist anymore, application Pod will be show error events like this:

$ kubectl describe pod juicefs-app
Normal Pulled 8m59s kubelet Successfully pulled image "centos" in 2.8771491s
Warning Failed 8m59s kubelet Error: failed to generate container "d51d4373740596659be95e1ca02375bf41cf01d3549dc7944e0bfeaea22cc8de" spec: failed to generate spec: failed to stat "/var/lib/kubelet/pods/dc0e8b63-549b-43e5-8be1-f84b25143fcd/volumes/": stat /var/lib/kubelet/pods/dc0e8b63-549b-43e5-8be1-f84b25143fcd/volumes/ transport endpoint is not connected

The transport endpoint is not connected error in above logs means JuiceFS mount point is missing, and application Pod cannot be created. You should inspect the Mount Pod start-up command to identify the cause for this (the following commands are from the "Check Mount Pod" documentation):

APP_NS=default  # application Pod namespace

# Obtain Mount Pod name
MOUNT_POD_NAME=$(kubectl -n kube-system get po --field-selector spec.nodeName=$(kubectl -n $APP_NS get po $APP_POD_NAME -o jsonpath='{.spec.nodeName}') -l -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\n"}{end}' | grep $(kubectl get pv $(kubectl -n $APP_NS get pvc $(kubectl -n $APP_NS get po $APP_POD_NAME -o jsonpath='{..persistentVolumeClaim.claimName}' | awk '{print $1}') -o jsonpath='{.spec.volumeName}') -o jsonpath='{.spec.csi.volumeHandle}'))

# Obtain Mount Pod start-up command
# Should look like ["sh","-c","/sbin/mount.juicefs myjfs /jfs/pvc-48a083ec-eec9-45fb-a4fe-0f43e946f4aa -o foreground"]
kubectl get pod -o jsonpath='{..containers[0].command}' $MOUNT_POD_NAME

Check the Mount Pod start-up command carefully. In the above example, the options followed by -o are the mount parameters of the JuiceFS file system. If there are multiple mount parameters, they will be connected through , (such as -o aaa,bbb). If you find a wrong format like -o debug foreground (the correct format should be -o debug,foreground), it will cause the Mount Pod to fail to start normally. This type of error is usually caused by erroneous mountOptions, refer to Adjust mount options and thoroughly check for any format errors.

Mount Pod not created

Use kubectl describe <app-pod-name> to view the events of the current application Pod, and confirm that it has entered the mounting process, and is not a scheduling failure or other errors unrelated to mounting JuiceFS.

If the application Pod's event is:

  • driver name not found or csi.sock no such file

    Check whether the CSI Node Pod on the corresponding node is running normally. For details, see documentation.

  • Unable to attach or mount volumes: xxx

    Check the logs of the CSI Node Pod on the corresponding node and filter out the relevant logs of the corresponding PV. If you cannot find logs similar to NodePublishVolume: volume_id is <pv name>, and the Kubernetes version is below 1.26.0, 1.25.1, 1.24.5, 1.23.11, it may be due to a bug in kubelet that prevents the triggering of the volume publish request. For more details, see #109047.

    At this point, you can try:

    • Restarting kubelet
    • Upgrade Kubernetes

    In summary, JuiceFS CSI Driver needs to receive a request in order to start the mounting process.

PVC error

Under static provisioning, PV uses the wrong storageClassName, causing provisioning error and PVC is stuck at Pending state

StorageClass exists to provide provisioning parameters for Dynamic provisioning when creating a PV. For Static provisioning, storageClassName must be an empty string, or you'll find errors like:

$ kubectl describe pvc juicefs-pv
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Provisioning 9s (x5 over 22s) csi.juicefs.com_juicefs-csi-controller-0_872ea36b-0fc7-4b66-bec5-96c7470dc82a External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "default/juicefs-pvc"
Warning ProvisioningFailed 9s (x5 over 22s) csi.juicefs.com_juicefs-csi-controller-0_872ea36b-0fc7-4b66-bec5-96c7470dc82a failed to provision volume with StorageClass "juicefs": claim Selector is not supported
Normal ExternalProvisioning 8s (x2 over 23s) persistentvolume-controller waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "" or manually created by system administrator
PVC creation failures due to volumeHandle conflicts

This happens when an application Pod try to use multiple PVCs, but referenced PV uses a same volumeHandle, you'll see errors like:

$ kubectl describe pvc jfs-static
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedBinding 4s (x2 over 16s) persistentvolume-controller volume "jfs-static" already bound to a different claim.

In addition, the application Pod will also be accompanied by the following events. There are volumes (spec.volumes) named data1 and data2 in the application Pod, and an error will be reported in event that one of the volumes is not mounted:

Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning FailedMount 12s kubelet Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[data1], unattached volumes=[data2 kube-api-access-5sqd8 data1]: timed out waiting for the condition

Check volumeHandle of all relevant PV, ensure volumeHandle is unique :

$ kubectl get pv -o yaml juicefs-pv
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: juicefs-pv
fsType: juicefs
volumeHandle: juicefs-volume-abc

File system creation failure (Community Edition)

When you choose to dynamically create file system inside Mount Pod, i.e. running the juicefs format command, when this process fails, you'll see error logs in the CSI Node Pod:

format: ERR illegal address: xxxx

The format in the error message stands for the juicefs format command. Above error usually indicates problems accessing the metadata engine, check security group configurations to ensure all Kubernetes worker nodes could access the metadata engine.

If you use a password protected Redis instance as metadata engine, you may encounter the following error:

format: NOAUTH Authentication requested.

Make sure you've specified the correct password in the metadata engine URL, as described in using Redis as metadata engine.

Performance issues

Compared to using JuiceFS directly on a host mount point, CSI Driver provides powerful functionalities but also comes with higher complexities. This section only covers issues that are specific to CSI Driver, if you suspect your problem at hand isn't related to CSI Driver, learn to debug JuiceFS itself in Community Edition and Cloud Service documentations.

Bad read performance

We'll demonstrate a typical performance issue and troubleshooting path under the CSI Driver, using a simple fio test as example.

The actual fio command involves 5 * 500MB = 2.5GB of data, reaching a not particularly satisfying result:

$ fio -directory=. \
-ioengine=mmap \
-rw=randread \
-bs=4k \
-group_reporting=1 \
-fallocate=none \
-time_based=1 \
-runtime=120 \
-name=test_file \
-nrfiles=1 \
-numjobs=5 \
READ: bw=9896KiB/s (10.1MB/s), 9896KiB/s-9896KiB/s (10.1MB/s-10.1MB/s), io=1161MiB (1218MB), run=120167-120167msec

When encountered with performance issues, take a look at Real-time statistics, the stats during our fio test looks like:

$ juicefs stats /var/lib/juicefs/volume/pvc-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx
------usage------ ----------fuse--------- ----meta--- -blockcache remotecache ---object--
cpu mem buf | ops lat read write| ops lat | read write| read write| get put
302% 287M 24M| 34K 0.07 139M 0 | 0 0 |7100M 0 | 0 0 | 0 0
469% 287M 29M| 23K 0.10 92M 0 | 0 0 |4513M 0 | 0 0 | 0 0

Read performance really depends on cache, so when read performance isn't ideal, pay special attention to the blockcache related metrics, block cache is data blocks cached on disk, notice how is always larger than 0 in the above data, this means kernel page cache isn't built, thus all read requests is handled by the slower disk reads. Now we will investigate why page cache won't build.

Similar to what we'll do on a host, let's first check the Mount Pod's resource usage, make sure there's enough memory for page cache. Use below commands to locate the Docker container for our Mount Pod, and see its stats:

# change $APP_POD_NAME to actual application Pod name
$ docker stats $(docker ps | grep $APP_POD_NAME | grep -v "pause" | awk '{print $1}')
90651c348bc6 k8s_POD_xxx 45.1% 1.5GiB / 2GiB 75.00% 0B / 0B 0B / 0B 1

Note that the memory limit is 2GiB, while the fio test is trying to read 2.5G of data, which is more than the Pod memory limit. Even though memory usage indicated by docker stats isn't close to the 2GiB limit, kernel is already unable to build more page cache, because page cache size is a part of cgroup memory limit. In this case, we'll adjust resources for Mount Pod, increase memory limit, re-create PVC / application Pod, and then try again.


docker stats counts memory usage differently under cgroup v1/v2, v1 does not include kernel page cache while v2 does, the case described here is carried out under cgroup v1, but it doesn't affect the troubleshooting thought process and conclusion.

For convenience's sake, we'll simply lower the data size for the fio test command, which is then able to achieve the perfect result:

$ fio -directory=. \
-ioengine=mmap \
-rw=randread \
-bs=4k \
-group_reporting=1 \
-fallocate=none \
-time_based=1 \
-runtime=120 \
-name=test_file \
-nrfiles=1 \
-numjobs=5 \
READ: bw=12.4GiB/s (13.3GB/s), 12.4GiB/s-12.4GiB/s (13.3GB/s-13.3GB/s), io=1492GiB (1602GB), run=120007-120007msec

Conclusion: When using JuiceFS inside containers, memory limit should be larger than the target data set for Linux kernel to fully build the page cache.

Bad write performance

  • Slow write speed for intensive small writes (like untar, unzip)

    For scenario that does intensive small writes, we usually recommend users to temporarily enable client write cache (read JuiceFS Community Edition, JuiceFS Cloud Service to learn more), but due to its inherent risks, this is advised against when using CSI Driver, because Pod lifecycle is significantly more unstable, and can cause data loss if Pod exists unexpectedly.

    If you need to write a large amount of small files into JuiceFS, it's recommended that you find a host mount point, and temporarily enable --writeback for such operation. If you absolutely have to use --writeback in CSI Driver, try to improve Pod stability (for example, increase resource usage).

Umount error (Mount Pod hangs)

JuiceFS cannot be unmounted when files or directories are still opened. If this happens within a Kubernetes cluster, Mount Pod will exit with the mount point not being released:

2m17s       Normal    Started             pod/juicefs-xxx   Started container jfs-mount
44s Normal Killing pod/juicefs-xxx Stopping container jfs-mount
44s Warning FailedPreStopHook pod/juicefs-xxx PreStopHook failed

A worse case is JuiceFS Client process entering uninterruptible sleep (D) state, Mount Pod cannot be deleted and will stuck at Terminating state, the attached cgroup cannot be deleted either, causing kubelet to produce the following error:

Failed to remove cgroup (will retry)" error="rmdir /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/kubepods/burstable/podxxx/xxx: device or resource busy

For such unmount errors, refer to Community Edition and Cloud Service documentation (handled similarly).